Personal Loan

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Top Banks Offering Personal Loan at Lowest Interest Rates 2024

**The below EMI calculations are based on a tenure of 5 Years.**

Paisa Bazaar
Instant Apply
Interest Rates

15% - 30%

Loan Amount

Up to 50 Lakh

Processing Fees

0.5% to 4% of loan amount

Instant Apply
Interest Rates

10.75% - 14.50%

Loan Amount

For Salaried-Up to ₹ 50 lakhs. For Self-employed- Up to ₹15 lakhs

Processing Fees

2% of the loan amount or INR 3,500(>=10 Lac)

State Bank of India (SBI)
Instant Apply
Interest Rates

9.15% - 9.65

Loan Amount

Upto INR 50 Lakh

Processing Fees

2% of loan amount + GST or INR 3500 (>=10Lac)


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